Does vehicle tracking make your drivers happier?

vehicle tracking make your drivers happier

There are lots of ways that you can increase staff happiness – is vehicle tracking one of them?

You may have looked at vehicle tracking and telematics as a way of reducing costs in your business. A way to save money and increase efficiency. However, is there a niggling doubt at the back of your mind? Are you questioning your decision because you are worried how some of the drivers will react? It is understandable, some drivers are not happy about the introduction of vehicle tracking – they see if as an invasion of their privacy. But ask yourself this … what have they got to be worried about? You don’t have time to sit there all day watching the vehicles on the screen. Could vehicle tracking make your drivers happier?

Is it like Big Brother is watching?

big brother signIt is understandable to worry that team members will not accept the installation of vehicle trackers, to have the fear that they won’t like you having the units installed and therefore you will not have a happy working relationship. But is it true?

The way that you ‘sell’ the idea of vehicle tracking to your team is hugely important. It is not for checking up on where they are, but is there for a number of reasons that will help them;

  • prove that they were where they say you were
  • show that they were driving within the law
  • provide proof in the case of an allegation against them

Could vehicle tracking make your drivers happier?

Despite vehicle tracking being a great business investment, saving you time and money, it can be used as a way to show that you care about your employees.

1 – it can decrease their stress levels

Cutting the time that the drivers have to do admin work will help with their stress levels. Stopping paper check forms and making everything automatic linked to the vehicle tracking system will mean that they will start their day happy.

2 – reward their good performance

Everyone likes a reward, or recognition for doing something well. Use the tracking system to provide a motivational way of reducing fuel consumption, or rewarding good driver behaviour styles.

3 – show you care

You are not using the system to spy on your team, but as an employer you have a duty of care to ensure that they are safe. A vehicle tracking system will show you;

  • where they are
  • how fast they have been driving
  • the routes that they have taken

Use the reporting features to feed back to your team that their safety is of utmost importance

Who can help make your drivers happier?

There are a huge number of companies out there who can help you find the right solution for your vehicle tracking needs. Here at Satmo we want to see vehicle tracking make your drivers happier, and therefore we are happy to offer you a 28 day no obligation trial. Call us on 01274 587748 or leave your details here and we will call you back.


Fiona Taylor is the Sales Manager at award winning Satmo Vehicle Tracking. If you feel you need help with your fleet, want to gain back control, save some money and time then please get in touch.

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