Does it matter if my van is used privately – part 3


Following on from our earlier 2 blogs posts here and here, about the importance of having the public and privatecorrect records for business and private mileage – I wanted to show you exactly how Satmo can help.

We can offer a private and business mileage add-on feature that will allow you to keep full, up to date, records of any private mileage that has been done, or proof that NO private mileage has been done.

Unlike other companies our units are securely fitted, covertly behind the dashboard, and are hardwired to a power source, they then record 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Thereby providing you with a full reporting suite of information that you can use to confirm to HM Revenue And Customs (HMRC) that your commercial vehicle has only been used for business purposes and therefore no extra tax implications have arisen.

You can have a unit fitted as per a normal vehicle tracking contract but with this system you can have a fob allocated to each driver, or onto the communal keys.  This fob has 2 buttons so allows you to switch the system between business mileage and private mileage.

The reports are set up to show you which trips are private and which are business

The reports are set up to show you which trips are private and which are business

If you feel a fob isn’t needed and you know that the vehicles are only used in working hours then you can set up a shift pattern which will show everything outside of the shift as private mileage.

Private trips are automatically logged if they are completed outside of set working hours

Private trips are automatically logged if they are completed outside of set working hours

You can produce a private mileage report that will only show you the trips that have been done outside of your business mileage.  A blank report will show HMRC that you are fully aware of the trips that your vehicle has done and you are compliant with the rules for private mileage.

You can customise the vehicle tracking site so your customers appear as their actual names rather than just an address, so you can see exactly which site each vehicle has been to and for how long.

If you would like to talk to someone about how we can help you with your reporting of private and business mileage, or would just like a little bit more information then just give us a call on 01274 587748 and we will be more than happy to have a char with you and talk you through what we can do.


Fiona Taylor is the Sales Manager at award winning Satmo Vehicle Tracking. If you feel you need help with your fleet, want to gain back control, save some money and time then please get in touch.